Editor's Review

"As a law abiding citizen, I’m currently in touch with my legal counsel on how to proceed."

Blogger Francis Gaitho has disclosed that he will present himself to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Wednesday, July 17, at 2:00 p.m. 

This follows reports that he was wanted by the National Police Service (NPS) after a mistaken identity led to the arrest of veteran journalist Macharia Gaitho on Wednesday, July 17, before he was later freed.

Francis Gaitho asserted that, as a law-abiding citizen, he was in touch with his legal counsel.

"Thank you for all the messages of concern. I’m truly humbled. As a law-abiding citizen, I’m currently in touch with my legal counsel on how to proceed. 

"I will be presenting myself at DCI Headquarters, Mazingira House Kiambu Road at 2 pm today. Thank you all for your concern," he posted on X.

While commenting on the arrest of Gaitho the veteran journalist, the police noted that it was targeting Francis Gaitho and maintained that the incident was highly regrettable.

"The National Police Service would like to clarify to the public that this morning, we arrested journalist Macharia Gaitho in a case of mistaken identity, meant for the arrest of Francis Gaitho who is our subject of investigation. We reiterate that as a Service, we do not target journalists in any way, and today's incident is highly regrettable," NPS stated. 

Macharia Gaitho.

On Monday, July 15, Francis Gaitho implicated a 24-year-old graduate from Meru University of Science and Technology in the killings in Kware, Mukuru kwa Njenga, after the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) published the image of the serial killer behind the murders.

His action resulted in the 24-year-old surrendering to the DCI to be cleared of any culpability in the DCI's ongoing investigation into the Kware murders. 

“One Francis Gaitho on his X account carelessly and with total disregard to the need to verify information, indicated that there existed no public record of our suspect, and went ahead to post the names, images, and description of another innocent Kenyans by the name Jairus Onkundi.

“This press briefing provides an opportunity to clarify to the members of the public that the 24-year-old is not a criminal, and neither is he wanted by the DCI for any reason whatsoever," DCI stated on Monday, July 15.