Editor's Review

The initiative will be implemented in two phases. 

Chief Justice Martha Koome on Monday, August 2 launched a Rapid Results Initiative (RRI) to decongest prisons in the Nairobi region.

In a statement via X, Koome said the RRI is aimed at achieving a sustainable prison population that aligns with the established capacity of our correctional facilities.

The Chief Justice noted that the Judiciary will review sentences and release convicts where appropriate to perform community service instead of serving time in incarceration.

“Community Service Orders not only alleviates the burden on our prison system but also serves as an innovative tool for supporting the government's environmental conservation efforts through ‘green sentencing’ that commits such released persons to perform public duties such as tree planting and environmental restoration,” Koome stated.

The Chief Justice mentioned that the RRI will be implemented in two phases with the first phase focusing on reviewing the bail and bond terms of the un-convicted persons currently in remand within the Nairobi region.

Chief Justice Martha Koome at Industrial Area Remand and Maximum Prison.

The second phase will involve the review of sentences by Judges of the High Court until the Nairobi prisons achieve a sustainable population.

“The review of sentences process is critical in ensuring that our prisons do not become overburdened through overcrowding. Towards this end, I have issued a Standing Order for decongestion exercises to be conducted every quarter,” Koome remarked.

Further, CJ Koome called on the government to develop long-term mechanisms and protocols to ensure that the number of inmates does not spiral out of control.

She also highlighted the need to reform correctional methods and upgrade the infrastructure of correctional facilities.

“The current facilities were built many years ago and are no longer adequate to meet the needs of our growing population and the evolving nature of crime,” Koome added.