Editor's Review

The clash between Njoroge and Kiengei began after the Gatundu North MP compared Bishop Kiengei to a hyena and accused him of preying on his congregation at his church.

South Muguirango Member of Parliament Silvanus Osoro has cautioned Gatundu North MP Elijah Njoroge against attacking Bishop Ben Kiengei.

This is after the latter in a series of posts on his Facebook page hauled insults at the popular preacher and JCM Church Founder.

In a statement, Osoro told Njoroge to cool down and avoid any confrontation with Bishop Kiengei saying it won't solve anything.

“Elijah Njoroge Kururia, cool down bro. It's not worth it. Nature has a way of settling matters. You have no obligation to explain to anybody your personal relationship with your loved ones. Whoever that assumes the role of policing you over your obligation has a heavier duty than you do.

“You need no validation from nobody. As long as you are a public figure, you are open for annihilation either way doomed if you do, doomed if you don't. So, relax,” said Osoro.

File image of Gatundu North MP Elijah Njoroge

The National Assembly Majority Whip also asked Bishop Kiengei not to respond to any remarks even if they are derogatory.

Osoro told Kiengei that he had a higher calling of leading the people to salvation and should focus on it instead of clashing with the people who attacked him.

“Please focus on the true gospel of Jesus Christ, limit pursuit for unnecessary attention, and get elders and I mean elders to guide you on matters of church leadership and I mean important elders. The body of Christ does not require such diversions,” Osoro added.

The clash between Njoroge and Kiengei began after the Gatundu North MP compared the preacher to a hyena and accused him of preying on his congregation at his church.

Kiengei in a response accused the MP of chasing his wife from their matrimonial home. He also called out Njoroge for sacking his sister from a real estate firm he owns.

In a rejoinder, Njoroge hauled insults at Bishop Kiengei accusing him of swindling Kenyans living in the diaspora.