Editor's Review

Ruto also revealed that the government was keen on digitising the Occurrence Book (OB) records.

President William Ruto has directed various security agencies and ministries to work seamlessly in implementing various police reforms recommended by the taskforce that former Chief Justice David Maraga led.

During the launch of the reforms, Ruto noted that there would be an implementation committee tasked with overseeing the expeditious implementation of the reforms.

On the other hand, he directed various agencies to engage the public when making various changes to laws, asserting that public participation was mandatory as prescribed in the law.

"Let the public be involved in how they want to see the services be it the National Police Service (NPS), the National Police Service (NPS) or the correctional service," the President stated.

File image of Interior CS Kithure Kindiki addressing police bosses on September 18, 2024.

Further, the Head of State instructed the security agencies to complete strategies for modernising the services within the next three months.

In line with the directives, Ruto also asserted that the National Treasury would be required to support the various agencies and institutions during the implementation of the reforms.

"We are looking for a police service that is fit for purpose when dealing with the challenges and meeting up to the expectations of the people of Kenya in the 21st century," he stated.

"The institutional reforms recommended by the Maraga taskforce are a major cornerstone of the future of the three services."

Other initiatives Ruto stated that the government was keen on undertaking include digitising the Occurrence Book (OB) records, digitisation of payment of funds, and salary increment of officers among others.