The Service Party (TSP) leader Leader Mwangi Kiunjuri has demanded ODM party leader Raila Odinga and his competitor DP William Ruto reveal the contents of their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Mt Kenya region.
Speaking on Friday, June 10, when he toured Tharaka Nithi county to campaign for the TSP candidate for the county's Woman Representative post Susan Mwindu, Kiunjuri said Ruto's UDA and Raila's Azimio la Umoja camp should come out and share their memorandums so that the people of Mt Kenya region can understand what the two have for them should any of them get elected.
"We have not gotten any memorandum of understanding between Raila Odinga, William Ruto, and the people of the Mt Kenya region. In Kenya Kwanza, we want to know what William Ruto and UDA have for the people of the Mt Kenya region. We also need to know what Raila Odinga and his Azimio group has for the people of our region," stated Kiunjuri
He said the two should not take the Mt Kenya region as a voting basket and a bridge for them to cross over to the presidency.
"If you are a leader and want our votes, we should set records straight and tell us the plans you have for our people. We want to know how hour rice, green yams, tea and the rest are going to get market and all the plans to have our people get roads and connected to piped water," he added.
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The former Ruto ally also hit out at Ruto's camp, saying those leaders allied to UDA have been singing about Ruto and the party in the region instead of advocating for developmental agendas that will ensure the region is on the negotiating table after August.