Editor's Review

The prosecution closed the case ahead of the court's verdict

The file of Sharon Otieno's murder case has been closed and now awaits the court's verdict.

The 42nd and last witness took the stand to give his account of the events around the murder of the then university student in 2018.

Detective Chief Inspector Nicholas Ole Sena, in his account, pleaded with the court to charge the accused persons, former Migori governor Okoth Obado included, with two counts of murder.

Ole Sena told the court that on the fateful day, Sharon was invited to a hotel in Rongo by Michae Oyamo, who was then Obado's personal assistant.

Three accused persons in Sharon Otieno's murder case.

She agreed to Oyamo's request, not knowing she would meet her death on the same day.

The witness confirmed to the court that the DNA test findings showed the former governor was 99.99+% father of the unborn baby Sharon had been carrying before her death.

The case will be mentioned virtually on June 20 this year, as the court gives further directions ahead of the verdict.