Editor's Review

LSK President Faitha Odhiambo said he was abducted at 5 AM in the morning. 

The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) of President Faith Odhiambo has claimed that one Paul Mwangi Wambui has been abducted. 

In an update via X on Monday, July 1, Faith alleged that Paul was abducted on Monday morning in Githurai. 

"This must come to an end, release Paul immediately," she demanded.

This comes hours after former Nandi Hills Member of Parliament Alfred Keter was dramatically arrested in Nairobi on Sunday as the wife and children watched and screamed in distress.  

Hours after pressure from Kenyans, DCI said that the former Legislator was nabbed in connection to incitement to violence and would later be released from Kamukunji police station.  

File Image of Paul Mwangi Wambui

"Contrary to the misinformation circulating on social media on the alleged abduction of Hon Alfred Keter by unknown men, this is to confirm that Hon Keter was arrested earlier today by NPS Officers for Conspiracy to Traffic Firearms and Incitement to Violence.

"He was booked at Kamukunji Police Station and later released pending Forensic Analysis of exhibits. Thereafter the file will be forwarded to the ODPP for direction. Police are urging members of the public to refrain from acts of violence, hate speech, and malice for sustained peace and security in our beloved country," DCI said in a statement. 

President William Ruto was on Sunday put on the spot on the manner in which Keter was abducted before his wife and child but maintained it was an arrest. 

"I made a deliberate decision to make sure that the police operate independently. If the police summon Linus Kaikai and Linus Kaikai refuses to go to the police, are the police not entitled to come and look for you? When the police come to arrest you after they have summoned you and you didn’t show up, is that an abduction? President Ruto posed. 

In the past two weeks, Kenyans have witnessed abductions in the country by men who appear to be police officers.

Among those who were abducted and later released include Gabriel Oguda, Shadrack Kiprono alias Shad Khalif, Billy Simani, and Attorney General Justine Mutrui’s son Leslie Muturi. 

UPDATE: Paul Mwangi has since been released.