The eCitizen Platform has released 10 most popular services sought by Kenyans.
The eCitizen Platform is a one-stop shop for various government services.
It enable citizens to access key services online.
According to the platform, NTSA-Provisional Driving license is the most sought after service.
It is followed by Business registration services and then followed by police clearance, commonly know as certificate of good conduct.
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At number four, civil registration services, specifically marriages, has been listed.
It is then followed by foreign Nationals and initial registration.
Directorate of immigration services is the sixth most sought services while Kenya Ports Authority comes seventh.
The government is keen on going digital to enable Kenyans to access the services by click of a button.
The government is leveraging ICT to deliver more efficient information and public services by digitizing government records.
About 5000 government services have been boarded on the E-Citizen platform.
On Friday, President William Ruto launched Gava Mkononi app that will enable Kenyans to access the digitized services.
The launch is to enable Kenyans save on time while seeking services and also to boost operation efficiency.
ICT CS Eliud Owalo, whose ministry handles the Digital platform and developed the Gava Mkononi app, was present during the launch at KICC.