Editor's Review

According to Raila, the young protesters were scared and sent a bold message to the current regime.

Kenya's opposition leader, Raila Odinga, has called on the young generation not to relent on their quest for good governance.

In recent years, the young population has been taking it upon itself to pressure the government to drop draconian policies.

The trigger for the movement was the Finance Bill 2024, whose tax propositions were argued as exploitative.

With President William Ruto's determination to have the bill passed in parliament before he signs it into law, the young Kenyans took to the streets to leverage Article 37 of the Kenyan constitution to register their disapproval.

Reacting to the events, Raila observed the mass action protests were timely and sent a bold message to the current regime.

"I have checked and realised they have been scared. The young people should remain strong and fight all the other issues bedevilling the country besides the Finance Bill 2024. We have many youths who are properly schooled but are yet to be employed," he said.

Protesters in the recent anti-finance bill protests. Photo: Courtesy.

Raila further observed that the recent invasion of the National Assembly showed the citizenry's lack of confidence in the government.

According to him, the display was akin to the public's vote of no confidence.

At the same time, the ODM leader faulted the state law enforcers for being brutal to the peaceful protesters.

He also differed with the High Court for okaying the deployment of the military into the streets to bolster police action.

The intensity of the protests saw President William Ruto withdrawing the condemned finance bill, saying that his decision was informed by the widespread disapproval of the bill.