Editor's Review

An EACC probe showed the suspect oversaw irregular procument that saw the taxpayer losing over Sh290 million.

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) has preferred charges against Tanathi Water Works Development Agency (TAWWDA) chief executive officer Fredrick Tito Mwamati and other officials over an alleged fraud involving millions of shillings.  

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) undertook its probe and established that the suspects oversaw procurement irregularities that saw the taxpayer losing over Sh 290 million. 

According to the anti-graft body, the malpractices were committed in the 2020/21 fiscal year.

The monies were meant for the construction of Kananie Leather Industrial Park Water Supply Phase I and II.

The tender was awarded to Perma Structural Engineering Company Ltd which the EACC found was a non-responsive bidder. 

Embattled Tanathi Water Works Development Agency (TAWWDA) chief executive officer Fredrick Tito Mwamati.

According to the ODPP, the inquiry file showed sufficient evidence to warrant the prosecution of the suspects.

They are to face charges of conspiracy to commit an offence of corruption, abuse of office contrary, willful failure to comply with the law relating to procurement, conflict of interest, unlawful acquisition of public property contrary, deceiving and fraudulent practice in a procurement proceeding.

Other charges are fraudulent acquisition of public property and attempt to commit an economic crime.

Besides Tito, other TANATHI Water Works officials being pursued over the scandal include Francis Kyalo Siva (general manager, infrastructure development), Dave Otieno Mwango (manager, construction and residual operations), Duncan Mulandi Mutambuki (accounts manager, finance and Dickson Mugambi Mungathia (engineer in the department of infrastructure development).