Editor's Review

"The other day I was the one who cleared you to come to Kenya."

Kapseret Member of Parliament Oscar Sudi has called out lawyer Miguna Miguna over allegedly inciting Generation Z.

Speaking on Monday, January 29, Sudi said it was a contradiction that Miguna was inciting the youth to cause mayhem yet he is a lawyer.

“It's a sheer contradiction that Miguna Miguna, the self-proclaimed barrister, is passionately inciting our children to unleash mayhem. This is uncouth in our modern Kenya,” said Sudi.

The UDA MP went on to say that the supports issues raised by Gen Z on governance but claimed that Miguna and activist Boniface Mwangi want the protests to be violent.

"We agreed on this Gen Z issue when it started, it was very good, even I supported it because I knew these young people had started to understand themselves, they know where they are, and where they want to go. But now, troublemakers like Boniface Mwangi and Miguna Miguna have come in wanting our country to burn,” he claimed.

File image of Miguna Miguna. 

Further Sudi mentioned that he was the one who cleared Miguna to come back to Kenya after he was exiled by the previous administration. 

"The other day I was the one who cleared you to come to Kenya, I cleared you because it was your right. I didn’t clear you because I was doing you a favor; that was your right. We sat with you for three hours, and I understood why even Raila Odinga and Uhuru had issues with you,” Sudi added. 

Miguna in a response accused Sudi of looting public money and being the face of impunity.

“Mr. Hon Oscar Sudi we are coming for you. Keep trembling,” Miguna stated.