Editor's Review

Gachagua has called on leaders to stop succession politics and concentrate on activities aimed at improving the lives of wananchi. 

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has called on leaders to stop succession politics and concentrate on activities aimed at improving the lives of wananchi such as reforms in the agriculture sector and infrastructure development.

Speaking in Kiambu County on Wednesday, August 21, Gachagua rallied Members of Parliament to give priority to the enactment of the Co-operative Societies Bill. 

"Leaders should stop politicking and focus on working on reforming the agriculture sector and infrastructure development. We must unite for the sake of development and work together. The unity that we have been calling for in this region (Mt Kenya) is for purposes of pushing for development interests. The date of the next election is known, so for now, let us work for the people," he said.

The Deputy President stated that Kenyans are not interested in who gets which position in the next election cycle but are keen on how the country will expand and their income improve.

Leaders in Kiambu County 

"In the coffee, tea and milk sub-sectors we are making good progress and we are getting somewhere. Our only issue now is governance in cooperative societies. I want to appeal to the National Assembly to fast track the Cooperative Bill to enable us to get people of integrity who will lead our societies. The MPs and senators should take keen interests on the people being elected in leadership of Cooperatives. We should also go for young leaders," remarked Gachagua. 

He spoke at Mitahato primary school grounds during the Requiem Mass of the Martean Thang'wa and Penninah Wanjiru, brother, and sister-in-law to Kiambu Senator Karungo Thang'wa at Mitahato Primary School grounds in Ngewa, Githunguri Constituency, Kiambu County.

He was in the company of political leaders led by Murang'a County Governor Irungu Kang'ata, Senate Majority Leader Aaron Cheruiyot, and area MP Gathoni Wamuchomba.

Gachagua mentioned that Government is searching for new markets for tea export in foreign to boost earnings for farmers.

Asking political leaders to shun divisive politics, the DP also urged them to advocate for the interests of the people that elected them to office and show respect to the voters.

Leaders present lauded the Deputy President over his leadership and assisting the President succeeds in implementing the Kenya Kwanza administration manifesto.

"We appreciate the Deputy President as he continues to support farmers, increase their earnings, and access lucrative markets to improve their livelihoods," said Kericho Senator Aaron Cheruiyot.

MP Wamuchomba called out politicians that she said were attempting to disrespect the Deputy Presidency.

"The Deputy President is the senior most leader in Mt Kenya region and he must be respected. We won't allow a few people to disrespect or insult him," she said.