Editor's Review

The residents of Malava blamed the incident on the supposed laxity of the police officers.

Malava residents have expressed their frustration at the supposed laxity of state security agents in the area after the offices of IG Sacco were broken into.

This was after a gang of robbers broke into the premises in Malava where they purposed to steal money and other valuables.

They unsuccessfully strived to get access to the monies stored in an extremely fortified safe.

They moved the safe out with the intent of running away with it, but its weight challenged their motives.

Residents of Malava decried the increase in cases of insecurity after a Sacco office was broken into.

The suspects instead resorted to making away with the computers, abandoning the safe outside the office.

Reacting to the incident, the residents claimed robbers were leveraging the laxity on the side of the police.

They blamed the men and women in uniform for focusing on other worthless causes and foregoing reinforcing the security of the area.

"We don't know how they broke into the office and removed the safe holding money, yet we have police in this area. Cases of insecurity in Malava have been on the rise in recent times. We want the OCS for Malava to leave because he has failed in his duties with his juniors," said one of the irate Malava residents.

"Cases of theft and insecurity are on the rise, yet the police walk around in bars and drinking dens, and running after boda boda riders; they have failed to provide security at night," said another one.