Editor's Review

The students had taken a boat ride in a man-made dam when the tragic accident occurred.

Tragedy has struck Arap Moi Primary School in Eldoret, Uasin Gishu County after five KCPE students died in a boat tragedy.   

The students are said to have gone to the Amazement Park for a merry-making session and prayers ahead of KCPE exams on Monday.   

Accompanied by their teachers, the students are said to have gone for a boat ride in a man-made dam in the county.  

During the ride, the boat, carrying 5 KCPE candidates and 1 of KAPSEA, is said to have capsized. 

Of the six the five KCPE students died while the KAPSEA candidate survived.  

The five were confirmed dead in Burnt Forest hospital.

 The KAPSEA candidate was rushed to Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital where he was admitted for medication. 

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii is among the leaders who have mourned with the parents of the affected students. 

In a statement over the incident, he said:

"The preliminary information we have received indicates that this sorrowful event that claimed five innocent lives took place at a man-made lake within a nearby amusement park."  

Governor Jonathan Bii. PHOTO | COURTESY

"During this difficult time, we call for calm and unity as we come together to support one another through this tragic loss."

KAPSEA and KCPE examinations are set to start from October 30 to November 24.

At least 1.4 million KCPE candidates are to sit for exams while 1.2 million are KAPSEA candidates. 

903 candidates will sit the KCSE exams.