Editor's Review

“Let me encourage you that when one door closes, God opens another."

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has praised former National Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u for his performance at the ministry.

Speaking on Friday, July 26 during the burial of Secretary to the Cabinet Mercy Wanjau’s mother Susan Wanjohi in Laikipia County, Gachagua said Ndung’u should walk with his head high because of his achievements.

DP Gachagua noted that Ndung’u worked long hours during his tenure in the National Treasury.

"I want to thank Professor Njuguna Ndung’u for your very outstanding performance at the National Treasury. I want to say we are very proud of you as our son from this region.

“We know where you found our economy and your stewardship of the National Treasury. As you hand over to the new nominee, walk with your head tall. You worked hard for late hours, you came to the cabinet and presented clear and concrete proposals,” said Gachagua.

File image of Njuguna Ndung'u

The DP went on to encourage Ndung’u that God would open another door for him after he missed out on the cabinet nominations.

“Let me encourage you that when one door closes, God opens another. We wish you well, as you retreat know that we are very proud of your achievements. " Gachagua added.

The DP further said the reconstitution of the Cabinet is a win for all Kenyans adding that the people of Mount Kenya region are happy with it.

Gachagua slammed political analysts who have been commenting on the gains and losses in the new cabinet.

“I have seen many people, all sorts of analysts, newspaper people, and commentators commenting about the gains and losses, which region got what, which one lost, which one didn’t, who is strong who is not. I think the whole thing is a win for the people of Kenya and us as a region we are happy that Mercy adds our numbers,” the DP remarked.

Ndung’u was among the 10 CS who missed out when President Ruto reconstituted the cabinet.

The Head of State nominated ODM chairman John Mbadi to take over in the National Treasury.