Editor's Review

EACC also revealed some of the items that were recovered from the engineer's home during a raid.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has exposed how an engineer from Bomet County alongside other county government officials orchestrated a Ksh1.6 billion fraud.

In a statement by EACC on Monday, October 28, the engineer was reported to have made official stamps and fake documents for non-existent projects.

The Commission detailed that the fake documents would then be submitted to the county government for the processing of payments.

EACC believes that the suspect was working with senior officials from the county government to commit the fraud.

As reported by the Commission, 121 stamps were recovered from the house of the suspect during a raid last week.

"Engineer Victor Kipkemoi Cheruiyot fled from the search operation scene leaving detectives in his house, where he has established a full-fledged office for making fake documents for non-existent construction works that he uses to facilitate fraudulent payments in collusion with top county officials," read the statement in part.

"Also recovered from his house are volumes of various procurement and payment documents including ‘approved’ contacts for various companies, bid documents awaiting approval signature, local purchase orders, unused payment vouchers, procurement requisitions for various construction works and requests for payments to various companies, all suspected to be forgeries."

Meanwhile, EACC revealed that investigations into the case were ongoing as they sought the engineer's accomplices who work in the county government.

"The fugitive Engineer, who is one of the Bomet suspects under investigation for conflict of interest, unexplained wealth and fraudulent acquisition of public property, owns several companies including Hamron Logistics Ltd, Wincheru Construction Ltd and Vird Building & Construction Ltd, which have been awarded multi-million tenders by the County Government of Bomet," EACC added.