The nationwide registration of all Boda Boda riders will start on Monday, March 28, the government has announced.
In a press statement issued by NTSA, to be registered Boda Boda operators will require an ID card and KRA pin. The registration will be done at all Huduma Centers.
"To register, a rider must present himself/herself in person and have an original National ID card, a copy of the KRA PIN number, and an active and registered phone number.
“A notification will be sent to the registered mobile number upon processing of the registration information,” the statement read in part.
Once the registration process is complete, boda boda riders will be issued with a Smart Driving License, NTSA has said.
This comes barely a month after President Uhuru Kenyatta directed that boda operators be registered afresh and ensure they adhere to the traffic laws.
"I did give instructions and I have ordered all boda boda operators starting here in Nairobi and moving across the country to be registered afresh," the President said.
Read Also: Good News to Boda Boda Riders After President Uhuru Kenyatta's Announcement

This week, the Head of State directed the Ministry of Transport to collaborate with the St. John association to train at least 200,000 boda boda riders on first aid to boost the country’s first responder capacity.
The President also ordered the Ministry of Health to establish a framework of co-operation to co-opt 26,000 volunteers from the St. John Priory to strengthen primary healthcare, emergency preparedness and response interventions all the way to the community level.