Editor's Review

The poll sampled 1,024 people in the 17 constituencies and 85 wards of Nairobi County.

Jubilee candidate for Nairobi Governor Seat Polycarp Igathe has made some improvements in the race to be the next Nairobi Governor.

A new opinion poll by Infotrak shows Igathe has 33 percent support meaning he has earned an increment of 3 percent from the last polling.

UDA candidate Johnson Sakaja, however, continues to lead the race with 39 percent. 24 percent are however still undecided on who to vote for.

{ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna. IMAGE: EDWIN SIFUNA}

In the Senate race, ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna is enjoying a commanding lead.

The poll showed that Sifuna has 44 percent support while UDA candidate Margaret Wanjiru has 12 percent. 39 percent of the respondents remained undecided.

In the Woman Rep, the incumbent Esther Passaris enjoys a commanding lead.

She enjoys the support of 46 percent of those polled while her closest rival Millicent Omanga of UDA has 20 percent. 20 percent are undecided.

{Nairobi Woman Rep Esther Passaris. IMAGE: COURTESY}

The poll was conducted on July 2 and 3 using computer-assisted telephone interviews.

It sampled 1,024 people in the 17 constituencies and 85 wards of Nairobi County and has a 95 percent degree of confidence with a +-3 percent margin of error.