Editor's Review

The schools are still inaccessible due to flooding brought about by the heavy rains hitting the country.

The government has disclosed that at least 2000 schools will remain closed on Monday, May 13, after others reopened for Term Two.   

Speaking on Monday, Deputy Government Spokesperson Mwanaisha Chidzuga mentioned that a section of schools is still inaccessible due to flooding brought about by the heavy rains. 

She, however, said that the affected students will be moved to nearby schools to ensure that they continue with learning.

Mwanaisha further stated that various government departments were keen on evaluating the condition of the school premises to ensure the students' safety.

"As a government, we have put in place strategies to ensure that children can receive the education they deserve, which is why we delayed the opening of schools. There are relevant departments that assess the quality of buildings. We have sent them to some schools to check if those located in flood-prone areas are safe for students to attend. As I speak, there are two thousand schools that will not be able to open today," remarked Mwanaisha.  

Deputy Government Spokesperson Mwanaisha Chidzuga (right) with Senator Danston Mungatana.

The deputy government spokesperson further mentioned that the government was planning to put up tents to serve as temporary classrooms.  

She also added that the State was considering e-learning for the affected students. 

Mwanaisha also hinted that the Government was considering extending the closing dates to ensure the syllabus is covered. 

"If it will be necessary, we will extend the duration of this term so that the syllabus is completed in an organized educational structure," she stated.