Editor's Review

I am not someone you can threaten - Oscar Sudi. 

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi on Sunday, May 26 hit back at Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua after the latter claimed that a section of Rift Valley politicians is interfering with the leadership of Mt Kenya. 

Gachagua alleged that some Rift Valley politicians close to President William Ruto were misleading him and reprimanded them for setting the country in a political mood. 

The Deputy President also seemed to take issue with leaders who he claimed were hiring choppers extensively and dishing out money questioning where they were getting all the resources. 

"For the support we gave Ruto, please respect us in Mt Kenya. That is all we are asking for. Leave us alone to manage our things. If we put this country in the political mood of 2032, when will we work for the people? And where are all these resources coming from? When Kenyans are suffering? Millions of shillings are being dished while Kenyans are suffering.

“I urge the MPs to stay in their Constituency and serve their people. The habit of political tourism must stop. This is what is giving us trouble,” he said at the event held at Seiyo Secondary School in the Constituency," remarked Gachagua. 

In a rejoinder, Sudi maintained that nobody would control where he would go as he demanded respect from both President Ruto and his Deputy Gachagua. 

The Legislator affirmed that President Ruto had a mind of his own adding that leaders can have political ambitions and visit each part of the country they want. 

"Let us respect each other. You cannot control where I go. If we all stayed in our respective constituencies then we would not be in government. We ask the President and his deputy to respect us. We can't allow them to come and harass small leaders," Sudi stated. 

The Kapseret Legislator also pointed out that no one would threaten him saying, "You should stop threats. I am not someone you can threaten." 

It now appears that the political tension is escalating within the Kenya Kwanza coalition after the recent public spats by leaders within the Kenya Kwanza coalition.