Editor's Review

The lawyers were seeking the release of demonstrators arrested during the 'Occupy Parliament' protests. 

Police officers on Tuesday, June 18 lobbed teargas canisters at lawyers at the Central Police Station in Nairobi.

In a statement, Law Society of Kenya (LSK) President Faith Odhiambo said they had gone to seek the release of protestors who were arrested during the ‘occupy parliament' protests.

“Police have decided to teargas Advocates and Law Society of Kenya council members who were at the Central Police Station seeking the release of innocent protestors. This is a new low for the National Police Service. Our resolve remains unchanged, we must stamp out impunity,” the LSK President stated.

Kenyan on Tuesday morning took to the streets of the Nairobi Central Business District (CBD) to protest against the controversial Finance Bill 2024.

They were however dispersed by anti-riot police officers following Nairobi Regional Police Commander Adamson Bungei’s announcement that the demonstrations were illegal.

The police officers arrested several protestors and took them to custody at the Central Police Station.

File image of LSK President Faith Odhiambo. 

LSK earlier threatened to move to court to sue Bungei over his move to outlaw the anti-finance bill protests.

“We will initiate court proceedings against you based on the doctrine of command responsibility and proceed to seek orders holding you personally liable for harm caused by the police to the protesters,” Odhiambo warned.

The Finance Bill 2024 has faced heavy opposition from Kenyans as it seeks to increase revenue for the government through heavy taxation.

However, the government has dropped the proposed 16 percent VAT on bread, the 2.5 percent motor vehicle tax,  and VAT on the transportation of sugar.

On the Eco Levy, locally manufactured products will not attract the levy as it will only apply to imported finished products.